Step 1
Hair Analysis
Pre Caution
Before you start the straightening process, be aware of the following things
Never combine cream and gel straighteners nor combine different strength
Read the direction carefully before proceeding with the procedure
Not following the direction can result in hair breakage/over processing and/or skin irritation
Do not use product if your client has had an allergic reaction to thermal straighteners, perm solutions, coloring hair dye

Hair Analysis
Check the hair type, chemical treatment history, dryness and damage level.
The processing time will become shorter with repeated and/or compound chemical procedures.
Hair Analysis Chart
Refer to this chart to identify the condition of the client's hair. This is a reference and not the final solution. Please keep in mind that every hair reacts differently to our chemical
Healthy to Slightly Damaged Hair
Damaged Hair
Damaged Hair
Semi Permanent Color
Colored with 10 vol. peroxide
Thermal damage (Ironing, blow dry etc)
Colored with 20 vol. peroxide ​
Tight Permed
Split end and/or dry ends
Colored with 30, 40 vol. peroxide ​
Home Colored and/or bleached​
Thermal Reconditioning​
Repeatedly colored with 20 vol. peroxide
G-Cream H
G-Cream H or S
G-Cream S
One Last Thing
Identifying the hair damage level and its source correctly can avoid misunderstanding the damage level which can lead to over processing the hair
Explain the expected result to your client so they are aware of the outcome and avoid any misunderstanding