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Step 3

Pre Treatment

Spray the following pre treatments prior to applying the solution for extra protection and nutrients

G-Hair Water

After shampoo, spray the G-Hair Water on towel dry hair prior to applying the solution. This is used on all types of hair

< Facilitates chemical reactions >


< Moisturizes the hair >


< Can be used for coloring >


Protein spray to be used on hair that is damaged and/or dry. Provides the nutrients the hair has lost, protecting the it from further damage.

< Strengthens and moisturizes >


< Keratin Based >


< Protects from chemical process >

G-Cream Controller

This cream based treatment slows down processing time as it nourishes the hair with jojoba oil. Use on areas that are highly damaged

< Protects damaged hair >


< Contains amino acid >


< Slows down chemical process >

One Last Thing

Do not use G-Cream Controller on healthy or virgin hair for it can hinder the straightening process

Step 4 >

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